Take a look inside the course

    1. Getting Ready to Rock!

    2. Exclusive Instructor-led Live Events (Zoom)

    1. Module 1 Lesson Plan

    2. Pre-Reading: Defining Market Segmentation

    3. Market Segmentation Examples [Video Lesson]

    4. Market Segmentation Examples [Slide Viewer]

    5. Market Segmentation Examples [Slide File Download]

    6. Quiz A: Occasion-based Segmentation

    1. Module 2 Lesson Plan

    2. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation: Step 1-3 [Video Lesson]

    3. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation [Slide Viewer]

    4. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation [Slide File Download]

    5. Checkpoint A: Choosing an Approach [Action Required]

    6. Checkpoint B: Bernie's Frozen Pizza Pies [Action Required]

    1. Module 3 Lesson Plan

    2. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation: Step 4-6 [Video Lesson]

    3. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation [Slide Viewer]

    4. 6 Steps to Market Segmentation [Slide File Download]

    1. Bonus Module Lesson Plan

    2. Tips for B2B Market Segmentation [Video Lesson]

    3. Tips for B2B Market Segmentation [Slide Viewer]

    4. Tips for B2B Market Segmentation [Slide File Download]

    1. Recommended Reading & Viewing

    2. 5 Market Segmentation Examples [Downloadable Job Aid]

    3. Bonus Video: Variations on Segmentation

About this course

  • 27 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Course Overview

Planning your first market segmentation project? In this market research training course, taught by Instructor Jeff McKenna, you’ll learn practical steps to designing a segmentation project. Includes important jargon and concepts, as well as three different approaches to defining market segments.

Upon course completion, you will be able to: 

  • Confidently discuss market segmentation concepts with colleagues and clients
  • Choose among the three most common segmentation models
  • Plan a market segmentation project using a 6-step framework
  • Identify & mitigate common market segmentation project risks

As a student, you get lots of helpful videos, readings and reference material.

Watch the preview below.

Meet Your Instructor

Jeff McKenna

Founder, MCK Insights

Industry veteran, Jeff McKenna, is the founder of MCK Insights and he provides a deep background in the design and delivery of market research projects, particularly in the area of data processing, advanced methodologies and data reporting. He has years of experience in new product development, segmentation, brand development, customer satisfaction and tracking projects. And Jeff has delivered strategic and actionable solutions to clients at all levels in client organizations (from market researchers to CEOs), including complex customer experience, segmentation, brand tracking and integrated EFM programs. He has designed and delivered CX programs for several Fortune 500 companies, incorporating customer feedback with several other internal data sources. He has designed and implemented reporting platforms used by thousands of service and marketing managers in multiple industries. More than simply delivering data, each solution enables users to prioritize action planning and estimate financial value associated with different performance levels. Jeff has a BA in Sociology/Anthropology from Swarthmore College and an MBA from The George Washington University.

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