Visual Storytelling for Market Research & Insights
In this course, instructor Kathryn Korostoff teaches you how to harness the power of visual storytelling by crafting insightful narratives amplified by perfectly aligned visuals. Get ready to make a powerful impression on your colleagues and clients.
Questionnaire Design 101: Planning and Project Management All Access
Planning to lead a questionnaire design project, but don’t know where to start? Instructor Kathryn Korostoff shows students how to manage a professional survey research project from start to finish. Includes tips for team management and pre-testing.
Questionnaire Design 201: Scale Selection All Access
In this market research training program, Instructor Amy Anderson covers various ranking and rating scales, including Likert, semantic differential, constant sum, and more.
Market Research 101 All Access
New to market research? Or seeking to establish a common set of foundational knowledge across a team? Taught by Instructor Michelle Legros, Market Research 101 is a fun, fast-paced way to get the basics.
Conjoint, Discrete Choice & MaxDiff: Advanced Techniques for Project Managers All Access
Gain a foundation in conjoint, discrete choice, and MaxDiff analyses with Instructor Jeff McKenna. Through practical usage scenarios and examples, this course prepares students to make informed recommendations and to manage such projects effectively.
Factor & Cluster Analysis: Advanced Techniques for Project Managers All Access
You’ve heard the terms “factor analysis” and “cluster analysis”; now it’s time to put these statistical workhorses to use. Taught by Instructor Julie Worwa, students learn common applications, including market segmentation.
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